Thursday, October 27, 2011

sometimes you round a corner...

...and find a great big piece of your SELF.

That there is one of mine:). My "pieces," I mean. Created by a New Orleans artist who goes by the name Ersy.

This is why I explore. It's why I visit galleries and museums, read books, see plays. I am looking for that thing -- moment, phrase, photo, painting, brushstroke -- that stops me in my tracks. Arrests my body and mind and makes me feel RIGHT NOW. What happens in that moment is that I have identified with something on a level I cannot immediately comprehend, if ever. The best way I can describe it is that I have found a piece of me.

My literary boyfriend, Proust (hehe), said that the only worthy journey in this world is the journey into the Self. I believe that constantly delving deeper into our Selves is how we find more and more Others. The journey of Self begins in narrow spelunking but quickly broadens into a veritable space odyssey. to speak...<blush>

Hey, I'd love to see some works of art or nature that have surprised YOU.


  1. First time I saw this:
    I learned what it meant to have your breath taken away.

  2. This guy is a most recent example:

    It wasn't until I stood in front of him, man to man, and saw just how well Michelangelo captured his eyes. I saw the eyes of a boy realizing he's done something he can't take back, that childhood is over. There's a fear and an uncertainty that speaks so strongly through the centuries to the realization within us all of childhood's end. I saw those eyes and felt a deep desire to comfort this boy who didn't know what was coming next, but knew that it would change everything. Once the initial rush of seeing THE DAVID in person wore off, that was what hit me like a punch to the gut and what haunted me for days afterward.

  3. Wow. Thank you both so much. A beautiful piece, TBR, and a beautiful moment, Matt.
